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Live Workshops

Key Points

  • A workshop is one of the most effective ways to grow your list
  • It’s a repeatable process that doesn’t take too much of your time and gives you greater access than a blog post
  • A workshop is unique, high quality content that ANYONE can benefit from
  • A workshop is perceived as higher value and it stands out

Detailed Summary

0:08 - Bryan introduces the training video and workshops

0:22 - Bryan shows how a workshop grew his list with 1542 subscribers with just one workshop

0:40 - What is a workshop?

A live video training, in this case, is something you do for someone else’s audience.

Think of it like a traditional speech you would give. If you’re a dog trainer, and there’s a dog training conference going on, you would go to that conference and teach the audience something about dog training.

The big difference is you do it online.

Example: Let’s say your thing is to teach dogs to do backflips. You would go to someone who has your existing audience (like Cesar Milan) and do a live workshop online for his audience. It’s free, it’s a premium piece of content, and it’s something you’re doing for his audience.

1:30 - Why do you need to do a workshop?

Because it’s one of the most effective ways to grow your list. Everyone wants new, original, and high quality content for their platform. Anybody-blogs, magazines, etc.

1:58 - Bryan shows an example of high quality content

Bloomberg.com article - What is Code?

This article produced more traffic and more page-viewing time than anything they have ever published.  It was new, original, and high quality. It was 35,000 words-basically a book.

2:33 - Sports is the same way.

Take ESPN for example. The most watched and popular program is live sports: it’s the most unique and high quality program they have. You can’t reproduce that.

3:00 - A workshop is like that. It’s unique, high quality content. For instance, between a blog post and a live video, which draws you in the most?  Which seems more appealing? High quality and unique win every time.

3:12 - Live training vs. blog post

You could go to a live training where you showed attendees exactly what to do. Interacted with them, showed them behind-the-scenes, answered their questions. Or write a 5,000 word blog post. Which seems more appealing?

3:26 - Live workshop

A live workshop is perceived higher value because it’s:

  • Video
  • Interactive
  • Spur of the moment where you might show something you would never show in a fully edited blog post
  • A workshop stands out and as a result of that, they’re extremely effective

3:48 - How to do one (Bryan walks you through the exact steps he took to do his first one)

  1. Bryan found someone who had an audience he wanted
    1. Joseph Michael of Learn Scrivner Fast. He has a group of authors, who have books. The audience Bryan wanted were people who had a product and want to increase their distribution
    2. Bryan teaches a class on how to grow email list, which is the single most important way to sell something online. If you’re an author, an email list can help you sell
    3. Bryan identified Joseph as someone who could host a workshop for him

4:48 - Got him to agree to do the workshop

  1. Bryan approached Joseph and pitched him on the workshop by telling him it would be completely turnkey for him
  2. Think of it like a guest post - you come up with an idea, you write it, they approve it, and it’s published. All they do is look at the content and make sure it’s good. Then press publish. As opposed to spending 10-20 hours writing the content themselves
  3. All they have to do is send a few emails, which you’ll write for them.  If they want, they can stay on the workshop and introduce you, but that’s all they have to do
  4. With this content they can:
    1. Use Evergreen
    2. Publish it as a blog post
    3. Use it as a lead magnet
    4. Use it as an upsell or use it one time as a value add to deepen their relationship with their existing audience

5:55 - They email their list a link to your signup page.  

The kicker is YOU host the signup page. Bryan got Joseph to agree to host the workshop and then he set up a landing page for the workshop. But Bryan owned the signup page. This is the key to the strategy.

6:38 - Bryan shows the landing page he set up

You’ll want the landing page to be from your LeadPages account (or whatever software you use).

They key is that when they register and enter their email address, it saves to your email list. This gives you the ability to ping the registrants a day or 2 before the workshop to remind them about it, and it gives you ownership of that contact information.

So, once the workshop is over, you can transition them to being on your main list. This is a benefit to the host because they don’t have to do anything.

You does the reminder, the follow up, setup up the landing page, send out the replay.

You do everything for them, and as a result, you gets the contact information.

7:25 - Bryan reviews the steps

  1. Find someone who has your audience
  2. Get them to agree
  3. They email their list with a link to your signup page
  4. You email them about the upcoming workshop (Bryan includes a swipe file so you don’t have to do this from scratch)
  5. Perform the workshop
  6. After the workshop, send them the replay with a bonus
  7. Transition them to your main list
    1. Let them know you’ll be sending them regular updates to continue helping them with the topic you already introduced in the workshop

8:41 - Bryan shares how many subscribers he got as a result of doing this ONE workshop

1527 new subscribers from about an hour of live presentation.

It’ll normally take 10-12 hours to write a blog post, which will produce a couple hundred subscribers if he targets it well, or 4-5 hundred subscribers with a targeted guest post, but with this method, he did 3x what he normally does with a regular post.  

A workshop takes a couple of hours to get set up the first time, but once you set up a workshop one time, you can do them again and again on other people’s list.

All you have to do is slight modifications to the workshop itself.

9:36 - Bryan ends the presentation and shares what will be included

  • Swipe copies
  • Landing pages
  • Copy of replay

If you have questions, jump into the Facebook community. Bryan will be in there and the community will be there to help.

Resources: What is Code? and Cesar Millan
