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Manually Backload the Eager Sneezers (Part 2)

How was Part 1?

Not as bad as you thought it would be, right?

Good work!

You should have added at least 10 new email subscribers from that exercise.

If you didn’t, repeat it until you have.

In Part 2, your assignment is to repeat the same process on Facebook by messaging 50 people you know using the same template.

Find your 50 people by filtering with these 3 criteria:

  1. Do they know you? (Are they a friend of yours on Facebook?)
  2. Would they be likely to share your content with others (if it was compelling and you asked them)?
  3. Have they expressed interest in your content in the past? (Have they liked pages in the industry you are focusing on?)

One simple way to find people who have expressed interest in your topic in the past is to type the search query “Friends who have liked [insert your topic]”

Once you have created your list of 50, personally invite each person via Facebook Messenger to join your list.

Here are sample scripts you can use so you don’t come across as a pushy salesperson.

Message 1: Hey [insert first name]!

Message 2: [once your prospect responds] I’m working on a new project. Mind giving a little feedback?

Message 3: [once they affirm] Cool, thanks! I’m starting up a new project where [insert your customized beginner's hook].

I’m still finalizing all of the details before I launch. But thought it might be something you’d be interested in because you follow [insert similar interests] that I follow as well.

Mind if I add you to my pre-launch list so you can give feedback and your opinion before I launch?

Completed example of Message #3:

Cool, thanks! I’m starting up a new project where I show aspiring authors how to build an email list and use that list to launch their first book.

I’m still finalizing all of the details before I launch. But I thought it might be something you’d be interested in because you follow Joanna Penn and several other author bloggers who I follow as well.

Mind if I add you to my pre-launch list so you can give feedback and your opinion before I launch?

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Today’s homework:

  1. Create your list of 50 friends who have previously expressed interest in your industry.
  2. Privately message each friend with an invitation to join your email list.

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You must complete and submit the assignment in the previous lesson before starting this lesson.
