Game. Set. Match
You are officially done with Module 2.
Great job!
(Unless you haven't hit 100 subscribers yet. In which case you need to return to lessons 6, 7 & 8 until you've hit the 100 subscriber mark.)
Talking to people one-on-one to build your list sucks.
It takes time.
It's uncomfortable.
And it doesn't scale.
But it's invaluable in the early stages in gathering the intel you need to properly scale your list up...
..and that is exactly what we'll do in Module 3.
We're going to take your list from a meager 100 subscribers (mostly consisting of your friends and family) and grow it to 500 subscribers.
But first...
Take a few minutes.
And celebrate your progress.
Remember the prize you set for yourself at the beginning of Module 1? The one you posted publicly to the Facebook group?
It's time to reward yourself!
As high achievers we are all hard-wired to constantly focus on improvement. Which isn't bad at all.
But the downside is we rarely celebrate our progress.
It's easy to get weighed down in the day-to-day grind. I want you to start doing something every Friday, from this day forward.
Watch this video for details...
Now... go to the Rapid List Building Facebook community and brag about your one big win this week.
Here is an example of what you could post...
"Module 2 sucked. I almost quit several times. But yesterday I hit the 100-subscriber mark! BOOM!"
You must complete and submit the assignment in the previous lesson before starting this lesson.