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Podcasts and Website Optimization


This month we have Andrew Warner in to share how he uses a podcast and a neat website optimization trick to grow his email list.

I'm not talking about a handful of subscribers a day.

This technique is adding over 100 subscribers onto his list EVERY SINGLE DAY!

The technique?

Content Gating

Might not mean anything to you now, but check out the interview to learn what it is all about.

Key Points

  • What exactly Andrew does to his content to get over 30,000 more email subscribers per year.
  • How he decides when the content should be gated and when it should remain open to the public.
  • Who should use this strategy and what content does it work best with.
  • How he manages to keep his SEO scores high using this technique.
  • How you can implement content gating on your site with your content in just a few minutes.
  • And much more!

Detailed Summary

:07: Bryan introduces Andrew

:50-Bryan asks Andrew what he did to get over 3k email addresses

:55-Andrew has done over 1k interviews

-He’s turned each one into a landing page where he asks for their email address

-Once they give the email address, he sends them the interview

1:25-Bryan asks Andrew how he decides to gate the interview

1:32-Andrew explains their process

1:55-Bryan asks if they always gated their content

2:18-Andrew experimented in a few different ways to make people understand the value of his interviews

-He makes sure each interview will help every entrepreneur in his audience

-What worked best after all the experiments was the knowledge that his interviews are high quality, and if people want to be a part of it, they can pay to listen to the older interviews

-That approach made all the new ones that much more valuable

3:26-Bryan talks about the urgency factor

3:55-Bryan asks who should use that strategy

4:05-Andrew asks Bryan what would happen if he took his meatiest article and said “if you want to read this, give me your email and I’ll send them to you?”

4:23-Andrew talks about renaming them to something people value

4:38-Andrew explains the problem with using this strategy too much

-You want something that’s free that doesn’t require an email address because you want to keep bringing people in

4:50-Bryan explains why he hasn’t done that yet

5:05-Bryan asks what this strategy does to website traffic and what Andrew’s experience with that has been

5:14-Andrew talks about why he uses this strategy

-He talks about wanting commitment from the person to make sure they’re a good match (he uses an EPIC dating metapho rand turns down Bryan.)

-If people keep getting all your stuff for free, they’re never going to full respect it

6:36-Bryan talks with Andrew about using this strategy for a written platform

7:16-Bryan asks Andrew to walk him through how to do this

What’s the first thing to do?

7:27-First thing to do is upload your video to Wistia or LeadPages

7:36-Andrew explains how to use Wistia for this strategy

7:57-Andrew goes on to explain how to LeadPages for this strategy

8:23-Andrew talks about his big takeaway from this

-Value your content

-Ask for a little bit of a commitment (email address)

8:37-What do you do once you have the email address?

8:40-Andrew talks about their drip campaign

9:17-Bryan reiterates what Andrew’s goal is

-Use old content to gather email addresses

-Give them free access to new interviews

-Then upsell them on the membership site

9:30-Bryan asks if there’s anybody who shouldn’t do this strategy

9:35-Anybody who has video should consider doing this

-Get your video transcribed

-People with deep, written content should do this as well

-Turn your content into a course or class

10:40-Bryan talks about how packaging can make a huge difference

-How can you repackage to make people see value in it?

11:56-Bryan thanks Andrew for coming on and talks again about how he got over 3k email subscribers in one month

