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Facebook Ads


I’m excited to announce that my good buddy Grant Baldwin joined me in this advanced training to talk about Facebook Ads and Live Webinars.

By using a combination of these two techniques, Grant has been able to take his list from 3000 to 15000 subscribers in just a few months.

Key Points

  • How you can use Facebook ads to build your email list quicker than ever.
  • Who you should target to maximize conversions.
  • Grant's testing technique to figure which ads are working and which ads you need to stop.
  • How to turn new subscribers into paying customers in just one hour and with a few emails.
  • and much more!

Detailed Summary

0:10-Bryan introduces Grant

1:00-Grant talks about how he went from 3,000 subscribers to 15,000 with webinars by using Facebook ads

2:46- Grant talks about the 2 different kinds of webinar and which one he does

There are 2 types of webinars.  Grant usually focuses on live webinars because it gets the audience more engaged.

The other option is the Evergreen, which is an automated webinar.

3:59: Grant explains why the image and copy used in Facebook ads is important. Ultimately, people scroll through Facebook really quickly, so they need to be able to look at the image and get an idea of what it’s about.

You want to be able to speak to the problem that they have through ads.

6:27: Grant and Bryan talk about why viewing others ads are important to help you with your own.

Grant talks about Amy Porterfield podcast-Episode 64.  It’s an episode of how she did this huge open/close launch.  Within that, there’s a PDF of all the ads she used for the open and close.  It’s 18 different ads.  It’s a good example of a bunch of different ads, what they look like, and different context for how she uses them.

8:30: Bryan asks how to target the right people

Grant: It has to solve a very specific problem.  I’ve determined that Facebook ads are a really good way to determine if you’re solving a problem.  

If you go to Facebook and you don’t know where your audience would be, your problem solution isn’t that clear.

10:27: Grant talks about how he targets on Facebook with his ads

11:25-Bryan: So do you have to refresh the ad a lot?

Grant explains why refreshing an ad on Facebook is super important and how the algorithm in Facebook ads works: You tell Facebook what the goal of the ad is.  Facebook will then turn around and target people who have a history of downloading, or signing up, or registering.  In the beginning, you’ll get the most qualified.  But as Facebook has gone through all of those, then depending on how much money you’re spending, it’ll start to work it’s way down to the more and more unlikely to register .  So that’s where changing your ad, changing up your image helps.  We’ve all been on Facebook and been like “I’ve seen this ad like 10 times in the past week”, so you can change up some of those things.

13:19: Grant talks about a strategy the used in Facebook ads.  

14:37: Bryan: So if I’m just getting started out, is there any easy thing I can start with?  What would you recommend I do?

Grant: I would recommend you make a list of 5 Facebook pages that you think would be a good fit for your product.  “My ideal audience is going to be on these 5 pages.”  

15:16: Overview of using Facebook ads

Step1:  create a CTA image based on what you talked about

Step 2: Target the ad.  I’m just going pick 5 pages

Step 3: Test those and see which one works the best and double down on the best one

16:36: Bryan overviews

Step 1: Create an ad

Step 2: Get them to register for your workshop or webinar.

In that webinar, you actually pitch them your paid product

16:54: Bryan asks Grant how many he got to register on his last webinar and what that produced in revenue

18:17: Bryan asks how many customers came out of that 341 and why this strategy is so great

Grant: 13

Bryan: So now you have 328 people on your list that haven’t bought, but could potentially buy in the future.  And that’s the genius of this method.   You basically get paid to build your list and you get to launch to those people in the future.  You can use that time in between launches to build a deeper relationship with them, so they’ll know, like, and trust you when you get ready to sell to them again.

Grant: And it’s a very targeted list.  I can continue to build that relationship, nurture that relationship, and continue to sell to them.

20:01: Grant talks about the wariness of stepping into Facebook ads because of the financial part of it

21:00: Bryan reviews steps

Step 1: Set up the ad

Step 2: Get them to register for the workshop

Bryan: How about the workshop itself?  Give us the basic overview of how that works

21:18: Grant gives an overview of how his workshop flows

22:50: Bryan asks what Grant teaches on the workshops

Grant gives attendees of the webinar practical steps.  He shows exactly how he goes about finding speaking engagements.  He’ll show screenshots and actual examples what he does.

23:41: Grant talks about how he transitions from the teaching into the pitch

25:09: Bryan recaps the 3 phases of the workshop

Phase 1: Build excitement and credibility

Phase 2: Teach them how to do whatever it is you promised to teach them

Phase 3: Pitch them the paid product

25:38: Grant explains what they do with the people that registered but didn’t attend or buy

28:40: Overview

Step 1: Pay for an ad

Step 2: Get them to register for a workshop

Step 3: The people that don’t buy, you send them a replay, put some urgency on that replay to get them to buy

Step 4: Deepen your relationship with list

29:30: Grant talks about how deepening that relationship with those that registered for the webinars, but didn’t buy, ended up buying later
