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Coaching Programs


This month we have Bryan Harris (I think you may know him) in to share how to launch a coaching program with a small email list. It seems like whenever someone wants to start monetizing their list nowadays, their first thought is one of 2 things:

  • Online Course
  • Membership Site

Are these bad?... No Are there other options?... Definitely Over the past 1.5 years, Bryan has built and run a VERY successful coaching program. In this lesson he will share how he did it, and how you can do it, even with just a small email list.

Key Points

  • The EXACT steps Bryan took before setting his coaching program live.
  • Why Bryan decided to start a coaching program rather than jumping into an online course or membership site.
  • What email list size recommends before launching ANY sort of product or service.
  • The first step in validating a product idea.
  • The problem, agitate, solve method and how to use it when launching your coaching program.
  • How Bryan structures his coaching calls, and why you should do the same.
  • And much more!

Detailed Summary

:14-How big was your list when you started your coaching program?

Bryan had just over 1,000 subscribers.  He talks about why he started the program

1:18-Bryan talks about an interview he heard

-The interview made him think “How can I quickly validate the idea that people would pay me money every month for advice?”

2:34-Bryan lists a couple of reasons why you’d want to start a coaching program

1-Monetize your list

2-It helps you know what your customers actually want

3:10-Bryan goes back and answers the original question of “what’s the minimum amount of subscribers you want to launch a coaching program”

-He suggests getting to 1,000 and then starting a coaching program

3:17-Jeremy speaks into what people normally do when they first start out, but Bryan went a different route

3:34-Jeremy asks Bryan what the first step is to validate a coaching program

3:45-Step #1

-Write your product hypothesis

4:10-Bryan talks about the 3 things you want to do when coming up with your product hypothesis

#1-Present the problem they’re having

#2-Agitate the problem

#3-Solve the problem

-Give them a call to action to buy from you

6:15-Bryan talks about his experience with this

-He wrote an email, which took about 3 hours

-He then sent it to his list

6:45-Jeremy asks if it was 1 email that he sent

-Bryan sent just one email

6:54-Jeremy talks about how people tend to wait because they want it to be perfect

7:17-Bryan explains how your email list is 1 key piece

-The more focused your list is, the easier it is to sell to

7:35-Bryan shows real-life examples of this

-Jeff Walker

-Michael Hyatt

-The more focused your list is in the first 1000 will affect the results you have when you go to launch your coaching program

9:28-Jeremy reviews the steps and asks what the CTA is that he sends out and what systems does Bryan use

10:08-Bryan talks about how he set up the email and what his CTA was

-He created urgency by only opening up 5 slots

-Most people aren’t in the mindset to act

-Urgency makes people move

12:30-The results of creating this urgency and only opening 5 slots were in 2 hours, all 5 slots had sold out

12:46-Bryan talks about how he structured this

-He sent out that email once a week for a month

-See if you like the coaching program first, see if you like the process of coaching

13:31-Jeremy asks if Bryan were to do this all over again, how would you make launching a coaching program more successful

-Focus coaching on one topic

-As you build your list, build it on one topic and have your coaching program on that topic

14:26-Bryan gives an example of a 10ksubs student who has done this

-John Meese

15:00-Focusing coaching on one topic helps you as a coach to develop a framework on how to teach people to meet that one specific goal

15:46-If it comes down to you sending that email tomorrow or waiting a month to try to figure out your exact topic, send the email tomorrow and figure it out later

-One of the key characteristics of successful entrepreneurs is speed of execution

-You can pick a topic, run with it, and always change it later

16:40-I’ve launched...now what?

17:04-Bryan explains what he did after he launched

-Scale it up

-Bryan scaled up to 20 and eventually raised the price

18:41-Figure out how many people you want in your program

-This depends on how much time you want to spend on it

19:31-Increase your price as you get more people in the program

19:36-Refine the topic as you go

20:18-Jeremy asks how big of a role the coaching program has played into 10ksubs

-The coaching program is directly related to the success of the course

-The coaching calls helped form the course and helped Bryan come up with the framework for the course

22:30-Your coaching program will help you refine and find what the big signature product will be that you can create

22:41-Jeremy asks if there is anything critical that he didn’t ask

22:51-Bryan speaks about systems

23:53-How do you handle the actual coaching calls?

-First part: What’s one big win you’ve had in the last 30 days?

24:58-Second part

-Review stage

-Review old actions

-Go over new questions

27:28-Bryan shares what questions he puts in that email

  1. What’s your number 1 goal and why?
  2. What is one thing you’re hoping to get out of today’s call?
  3. How did it go from last call?
  4. What 3 burning questions do you need help answering today?

28:05-Third part: Action Items

-Pull out specific things your client can do between that call and the next

29:04-Bryan talks about what happens AFTER the call

-Bryan records each call and sends a recording to them along with their new action items

30:07-The last piece of the program is accountability

-Bryan sends an email to each client every Friday, following up on action items

30:50-Jeremy asks what resources Bryan uses to be a better coach

#1-Coach more.  The more you do something, the better you get

#2-Be a practitioner of what you’re doing

31:55-Bryan talks about why getting coached yourself is so huge

#1-Coach more

#2-Be a practitioner

#3-Get coached yourself

33:28-Jeremy and Bryan talk about why encouragement is so important

-Your job as a coach is to encourage

34:30-Jeremy talks about why reiterating your number 1 goal is so helpful in coaching

