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How to Write Incredibly Useful Blog Posts

How did it go? It probably felt a bit awkward. That’s because you’re not thinking in steps. The key to writing incredibly useful blog posts is to think in steps. As in: Step 1... Step 2... Step 3...

Let me show you what I mean. For the question of “How do I tie my shoes?” you can answer in two different ways.

Way #1: The muddled approach “Put on your shoes and cross your laces. Take your left lace and pass it under the top lace to create a knot. Then curl the first lace into a bow and wrap the other lace around it. Pass the right lace underneath to create a knot and pull it tight.”

Way #2: Step-by-step approach

  1. Put on your untied shoes.
  2. Sit or kneel.
  3. Hold shoelaces and tighten.
  4. Hold the laces near the holes rather than at their ends for the most snug fit.
  5. Cross laces.
  6. Pull to tighten.

See the difference? Steps are easy to follow. Big paragraphs of text are easy to get lost and confused in.

Now, I want you to practice giving instructions in the step-by-step format. Your assignment is to teach me how to start my car in 10 steps. Assume I know nothing. Assume I am a 3rd grader. I should be able to pick up your instructions and effortlessly go through the entire process without assistance.

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Your assignment in this lesson is to practice (and improve) your ability to give step-by-step instructions. You'll be doing this by instructing a 3rd grader on how to start a car (in 10 steps). Then, in the following lessons, you'll take the principles you learned through this exercise and apply it to writing blog posts that generate email subscribers.

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You must complete and submit the assignment in the previous lesson before starting this lesson.
