Using Facebook to Get Your First 100 Subscribers
How did the email outreach go?
Not as bad as you thought it would be, right?
Good work!
You should have added at least 10 new email subscribers from that exercise.
If you didn’t, repeat it until you have. Some people are able to get up to 50 subscribers from that one strategy alone.
Remember: The purpose of this is to fill your list with people who already know, like and trust YOU, not necessarily people infatuated with the topic you’ll be covering. (These folks will introduce you to people who are interested in your topic. We’ll cover how to get them to do this in the next module.)
Your next assignment is to repeat the same process on Facebook by messaging 100 people you know using the same template.
Find your 100 people by following these 2 steps:
Step 1: Go to your Facebook profile and click “Friends.”
Step 2: Make a quick list of your 100 closest Facebook friends.
I like to do this by focusing on getting the top 20 people from each of the preset filters (i.e. Recently Added, Birthdays etc.).
Once you have created your list of 100, personally invite each person via Facebook Messenger to join your list.
Here are sample scripts you can use so you don’t come across as a pushy salesperson.
Message 1: Hey [insert first name]!
Message 2: [once your prospect responds and you chat a bit] I’m working on a new project on [insert topic]. Thought it might be something you would dig. Want in?
Message 3: [once they respond positively] Awesome! What's your best email? I’ll send you over my first article when it’s ready.
Every time you get a positive response, write their name and email down on your piece of paper. Remember, your goal is 100 subscribers.
Today’s homework:
- Create your list of 100 friends and family.
- Privately message each friend with an invitation to join your email list.
*If you don't have a Facebook account or 100 family members/friends to invite, just click the button below to skip to the next lesson.*[i4w_actionset tagid='807,2167' buttontext='Skip to the next lesson' redir='' aftertext='Continue to the next lesson.']
Module Two
Duration: 25 minutes
Module Progress:
Action Steps
- Read this lesson.
- Create a list of 100 Facebook friends who'd support your list-building journey.
- Contact each person on your list through Facebook Messenger.
- Continue to the next lesson.
You must complete and submit the assignment in the previous lesson before starting this lesson.