John Meese
Have you been pushing back your product or service launch because your list just isn't "big enough"?
Maybe you feel your website isn't getting enough traffic.
In the course, I recommend waiting till you reach 1000 subscribers before launching a product.
However... Today's spotlight features John Meese who was able to launch a product and bring in over $10,000 with only 260 email subscribers.
Pretty crazy. Right?
In this case study with John, you will learn:
- How helping out a friend eventually led him to creating his very first online course.
- Why he decided to stray away from his successful coaching program and pursue a product instead.
- How he used two different forums to build up his credibility, grow his email list, and get more customers.
- What his course pricing structure looked like, and what I would recommend him do next time.
- And how he plans to take what he's already done and expand into new markets.