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How to Backload Your List with Eager Sneezers

Want to add 100 subscribers to your list in the next 5 minutes?

Here is what you need to do…

Step 1: Open your email service provider account.

Step 2: Manually add in this list of email addresses.







...and so on until you hit 100 new subscribers!

Congrats. You have 100 subscribers!

But that’s dumb, right?

You would immediately have 100 subscribers, BUT they would be completely worthless.

The quantity of subscribers on your list doesn’t matter.

Read that again.

The. Quantity. Of. Subscribers. On. Your. List. Doesn’t. Matter.

The QUALITY of your subscribers is everything.

So, as I walk you through what you need to do in order to add your first 100 subscribers, you need to ensure that you get the right type of people on your list.

What is the right type of person for your list?

There are two types of people that can join your list.

Type #1: Eager Sneezers:

This is someone who is completely infatuated with you.

They will tell all of their friends about what you are doing and help you reach a massive supply of Spending Students (the goal of any list).

Type #2: Spending Students:

This is someone who is completely infatuated with the topic you cover but doesn’t know you. When most people think of growing a list, this is the type of person they envision.

A complete stranger, who happens to find you, joins your list, loves your content and buys your product.

The best way to jump-start your list growth is to backload it with as many Eager Sneezers as you possibly can.

They will give you access to a HUGE supply of Spending Students that you wouldn’t have been able to find otherwise and will make your road to 500 subscribers much easier.

So, over the course of this module, I’m going to teach you 8 strategies to capture Eager Sneezers and load your list with people who love you and are eager to tell all of their friends about you.

Why do you want Eager Sneezers on your list?

Very simple.

Eager Sneezers make it easy for you to find the Spending Students due to something called share depth.

The deeper your share depth, the more free traffic you generate. And the more traffic you generate, the more email subscribers you generate.

Quick example…

I’m an Eager Sneezer.

When I find something cool, I tell everyone about it.

A few years back I started selling yard sale and thrift store items on eBay to make a little side cash. As soon as I saw how easy it was, I started telling my friends about what I was doing. And pretty soon all of them were doing it too.

Every person I told about my new business would ask me how they could do the same thing.

Then I would point them to the book I read to get started.

They would buy it.

And the author would make more money.

I sold at least 20 copies of that guy's book.

I was an Eager Sneezer.


Most people go about the early stages of list building all wrong and ignore their closest group of friends, who are the easiest group of Eager Sneezers to target. They do this because they think their friends might not be interested in the topic they are discussing.

But that’s dumb.

I’ll teach you how to use your existing connections to jump-start your list growth (without ruining your friendships or coming across as a sleazy salesperson).

But first, you need a call to action.

What’s a call to action?

I’ll show you in the next lesson.

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Ready for the next lesson?

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You must complete and submit the assignment in the previous lesson before starting this lesson.
