Mindset Prep
Alright, you’re almost ready to jump into the meat of the course.
But first, there is something important.
Whether you think of yourself as an entrepreneur or not, you are one. And your job is not easy. The next 70+ lessons in this course will challenge you. They’ll push you. They’ll leave you ecstatic at times and frustrated and ready to quit at others. You’ll have lightbulb moments, times of extreme clarity and other times when you are purely and utterly confused.
My job is to help you through those tough times.
My job is to coach you.
Sometimes that means being gentle and patient and other times it means getting up in your face, telling you you’re being lazy or making excuses and pushing you past what you thought you could achieve.
Your job?
You only have one job.
Watch this video now:
That means that you’ll hit obstacles in the course.
You’ll hit areas where you have a hard time figuring out how this applies to you. When you hit those obstacles, you have two options:
Option #1: Quit.
Option #2: Figure it out.
By pressing the yellow button below, you’re committing to figuring it out. Finding solutions where they aren’t obvious. Asking good questions. Relying on me and the Videofruit team. Interacting in the community to get their advice and guidance.
You’re committing to doing WHATEVER it takes to reach your goal of getting 10,000 subscribers and launching your first product.
If you aren’t committed, stop now. It won’t work for you.
But if there is one shred of hope inside of you, if there is a burning desire to make this happen NO MATTER WHAT...you’re going to crush it. I know it. And I’m excited to jump into this course with you.
Let’s go!
You must complete and submit the assignment in the previous lesson before starting this lesson.