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You are DONE with Module 3.

Let's do a quick recap of the 4 strategies you implemented in this module.

Strategy #1: Marketing giveaway

Strategy #2: Content upgrade

Strategy #3: Directional framework

Strategy #4: Paul Revere traffic generation

All four of these strategies should be used on an ongoing basis.

I recommend hosting a new marketing giveaway once per quarter, using content upgrades on 50% of ALL blog posts you publish, writing a blog post using the directional framework at least once per month, and using the Paul Revere traffic generation tactics on every major blog post you publish.

If for some reason you've completed this module but you haven't yet reached 1,000 subscribers, don't go to Module 4.

You aren't ready.

At this point you don't need MORE strategy. You need more execution.

Jump into the Facebook group and lean on the Get 10,000 Subscribers community. Email me personally at support@10ksubs.com.

Cycle back through all four of these strategies until you hit 1,000 subscribers.

Did you make it to 1,000 subscribers?

If so...


You are in an elite class. Seriously. No exaggeration.

Do you know how many people on the planet actually have 1,000 subscribers?

Very, very few.

You deserve to brag!

I'm going to help you do that. :)

Your job: Pick up the phone right now and call one person you know. Tell them you just hit a MASSIVE goal in your business and you want to brag about it.


Ok, go watch this YouTube video. (It will blow your mind.)

Take the rest of the day off.

Take tomorrow off too.

Then jump into Module 4: Scaling to 10,000 subscribers.

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Did you call one person you know and brag about gaining 1000 subscribers?

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You must complete and submit the assignment in the previous lesson before starting this lesson.
