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How to grow your email list with a podcast

Key Points

  • How to build your email list by producing a regular podcast with content upgrades
  • How to leverage the most powerful marketing machine to get more listeners and email subscribers
  • What to do in every episode to get listeners excited to join your list
  • How to capitalize on mobile AND desktop podcast listeners
  • The 7 keys to having a good sounding (and high-converting) podcast

Detailed Summary

0:08-Jeremy introduces himself

0:25-Jeremy explains they key points and what you’re going to learn

1:11-Jeremy explains the Why

-It’s an evergreen way to build your list and leverage the marketing power of the biggest company in the World. Gives you exposure worldwide.

-In the first 8 weeks of being on iTunes you have the chance to be “New & Noteworthy” - sending to your list is a way to impact this.

-It’s definitely slower than some other methods, but if you’re just getting started and create great content you’re in business.

-If you have an existing list you get even more leverage.

-The way you build your is with unique calls to action in each episode and a free offer at the end of each show

3:40-Jeremy discusses the How:

Step 1 - Brainstorm your podcast (at least 25 episode ideas)

Step 2 - If you have a show already or have your episodes brainstormed, create content upgrade ideas for the show.

Step 3 - Use this call to action like this

4:56-Jeremy goes over Intro CTA’s:

Why they should keep listening



6:33-Jeremy discusses Outro CTA’s:

Setup + why they need it

Name of the bonus

How to get it

7:35-Jeremy shows the 3 different ways to deliver your podcast upgrades

Blog post


Bonus page

9:19-Jeremy shows an awesome example of a really good bonus page

10:49-The “Always On” Offer:

Positioned at the end of every episode

Can be cycled out seasonally

Great place for your tool guide or main-site offer

12:28-Jeremy wraps up and reviews the episode flow:

Intro episode

Why you want to listen

Stay tuned, we have something to help you with today’s episode

Provide content

Position Bonus

Episode Outro

“Always on” offer
